North American Taiwan Studies Association
2018 NATSA was at UT-Austin, so I strolled there and I got hooked...the rest is history.
2018-2019 Program Commissioner (Destabilizing Empires from the Margin: Taiwan Studies in Reflection, Seattle WA)
2019-2021 Program Director (Keywords in Taiwan Studies, planned to be at Irvine CA but turned online due to you know what)
2021-2022 President (Taiwan Studies in Application, Washington DC)
2022-2025 Board member
InDiE (Inclusion, Diversity & Equality) Initiative
I was one of the faculty advisors of the Global Health Program InDiE (Inclusion, Diversity & Equality) Initiative of the NTU College of Public Health.
InDiE aims to eventually promote awareness in all policies and the various aspects of university life. At the InDiE’s first stage, we hope to support student-led activities and promote collaborations between GHP and non-GHP students. Thus, we invite proposals for funded events/activities, including but not limited to:
Participating in and/or promoting local activism events;
Health justice-related seminars;
Photo exhibitions and/or photo essay competitions;
NTU-GHP and/or CPH blog sites;
Student-run online magazine and/or symposiums;
Holidays-related cultural events;
Students’ rights and workers’ rights campaigns;
GHP’s social media visibility (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.);
Postgraduate conferences on global health-related issues;
Mental health awareness, literacy, and promotion events;
Inter-cohort WiP (work-in-progress) forums and/or roundtables.

Invited Talks
Fall 2021 Taiwan International Queer Film Festival-Screening Tour at National Taiwan University, Post-Screening Discussion
- Topic: “Where do we go from erotophobia?”
Fall 2021
Public Issues Marketing Convention, Taipei, Taiwan
- Topic: “The road to same-sex marriage: From NGOs to the Legislative Yuan” (Host)
Summer 2021
The Feminist Book Club, Taiwan New Constitution Foundation
- Topic: “Reading ‘Justice and the Politics of Differences’ by Iris Marion Young”
Spring 2021
Asian Pacific Young Greens, Australia (talk given online)
Topic: “Women’s struggles and challenges in political careers”
Spring 2021
Department of Public Health, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Topic: “LGBTQ rights post same-sex marriage: Now what?”
Spring 2021 Taiwan Environmental Protection Union (TEPU), Contemporary Environment and Energy Forum
Moderator: Lin Fei-Fan (DPP Deputy Secretary-General)
- Speakers: JhuCin Jhang (Green Party Taiwan Secretary-General)
Xuan You Lin (Spokesperson of National Taiwan University Climate Action Club)
Wei Jun Lee (TEPU Taitung Branch President)
Spring 2021 Constitutionalize Environmental Rights Forum, Taiwan New Constitution Foundation
Moderator: JhuCin Jhang (Green Party Taiwan Secretary-General)
- Speakers: Zoe Lee (Green Party Taiwan Deputy Secretary-General)
Zhong-Yum Tsai (Citizen of the Earth, Taiwan Deputy Executive Officer)
Zhi-Jian Liu (Taiwan Environmental Protection Union, President)
Fall 2020 National Taiwan University Graduate Students Association, A new imagination on the constitution for the next generation workshop
- Topic: “Green Politics and Taiwan Constitution”
Fall 2019
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chung Hsing University,
Taichung, Taiwan
- Topic: “Went to America to get a PhD, and then what?”
Fall 2017
Student Enrichment Program, Chien Hsin U of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- Topic: “Core principles of English grammar”
Spring 2017
Student Enrichment Program, Chien Hsin U of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- Topic: “English grammar made easy”
Summer 2016
LGBTQ+ workshop. Honki University, Tokyo, Japan
Topic: “Knowing LGBTQ+: A chance for growth and reflection”
The Language Center; The Office of International Affairs, Chung Yuan Christian U, Taiwan
Topic: “Becoming yourself by leaving your comfort zone”
Topic: “Culture is more than just food & movies“
Topic: "Learning English through musicals: RENT“
Topic: "Self-growth through words”

Other services
2021 Judge
- National Taiwan University College of Public Health & Texas A&M Joined 3 competition
- Chung Yuan Christian University-University English Speech Competition
2019-present Reviewer
- Journal of Family Studies (SSCI)
Journal of Homosexuality (SSCI)
Taiwan Journal of Democracy
Fall 2020 Discussant
The 14th Graduate Symposium of National Taiwan Normal University Department of Taiwan Culture, Language and Literature National Taipei University of Education Graduate School of Taiwanese Culture
2015-2019 Graduate Mentor
Intellectual Entrepreneurship Pre-Graduate School Internship, UT Austin
2014-2019 Reviewer
2017, The National Communication Association Annual Conference
Health Communication Division
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies Interest Group
2017, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication Annual Conference
2017, The International Communication Association Annual Conference
Interpersonal Communication Division
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies Interest Group
2016, The International Communication Association Annual Conference
Family Communication Division
Feminist Scholarship Division
Interpersonal Communication Division
Health Communication Division
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies Interest Group
2014-2016, The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Conflict Conference
2014, The National Communication Association Annual Conference
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies Interest Group
2014, Southern States Communication Association Annual Conference
Interpersonal Communication Division
2016 Volunteer (merit-based)
The International Communication Association annual conference
2014-2016 Assistant Director for Services
UT Project on Conflict Resolution, UT Austin
2014-2016 Representative
The Society of Professional Mediators, UT Austin
2014-2016 Representative
Willie Nelson Center-Students for Peace, UT Austin
2013-2016 Committee member/Committee Chair
The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Conflict Conference, Department of Communication Studies, UT Austin
2015 Orientation Leader
Department of Communication Studies, UT Austin
2014-2015 Writing Chair
Department of Communication Studies Graduate Committee, UT Austin
2013-2014 Graduate Assistant
The Taiwanese International Spotlight Project, Department of Asian Studies, UT Austin
2012-2013 Academic Advisor
Learning Center of Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2012-2013 Founder
Starfish Volunteer Group