1. 從世代正義思考環境與兒少健康(張弘潔)
2. 基因決定玻璃心,或生存環境太壓迫?臺灣兒童青少年的情緒與自殺行為(郭柏秀)
3. 「不想睡」還是「睡不著」?臺灣青少年睡眠問題(張齡尹)
4. 臺灣社會有「肥胖懲罰」嗎?(陳端容)
5. 「你不了解我的明白」:國家健康與照顧體系對臺灣原住民族的結構性壓迫(Umin‧Itei〔日宏煜〕)
6. 共享經濟或零工經濟?平臺工作者的工作與健康(鄭雅文)
7. 付不/得起的癌症免疫新藥?治療準則、真實世界數據與健保給付的矛盾(王業翰)
8. 性健康的視覺化與遊戲化:以交友軟體為例(黃柏堯)
9. 性與生殖健康與權力:無法取得、死亡率高與決定權低的問題(張竹芩)
10. 那些生孩子的事:婦女孕產健康的公共衛生觀點與政策(林青青)
6. 共享經濟或零工經濟?平臺工作者的工作與健康(鄭雅文)
7. 付不/得起的癌症免疫新藥?治療準則、真實世界數據與健保給付的矛盾(王業翰)
8. 性健康的視覺化與遊戲化:以交友軟體為例(黃柏堯)
9. 性與生殖健康與權力:無法取得、死亡率高與決定權低的問題(張竹芩)
10. 那些生孩子的事:婦女孕產健康的公共衛生觀點與政策(林青青)
16. 第三部門:非政府組織在公衛領域的角色(孫友聯)
17. 國際人權公約對公共衛生的意義與影響(李柏翰)
18. 公共衛生倫理:基本概念與一些快速上手的評估工具(葉明叡)
Jhang, J. (2019). “She did not come out, but we’ve come to terms” -- Family reconciliation of challenged expectations when a young adult child is gender and sexual minority/tongzhi: Multiple perspectives. Doctoral dissertation. University of Texas at Austin.
Journal articles (original research):
李柏翰、張竹芩。(2023)。被偷走的自由:「多布斯訴傑克森女性健康組織案」之國際人權法律評析。醫藥、科技與法律,28(1), 93-146.
Jhang, J. & Lee, P. H. (2023). Gendering the pandemic: Women’s health disparities from a human rights perspective. Health Care Analysis. 1-18. (SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index)
Zhang, W. H., Jhang, J., & Greenwell, M. R. (2022). Effects of replay and rehearsal expressive writing with mental health concerns: A randomized control trial. Journal of Mental Health, Published online: Nov 08 2022, 1-10. (SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index) (corresponding author)
Jhang, J. (2020). Examining cultural discourses in Taiwanese gender and sexual minority/tongzhi family-of-origin relationships. Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, 9(1), 146-179.
Jhang, J. (2018b). Scaffolding in family relationships: A grounded theory of coming out to family. Family Relations, 67(1), 161-175. DOI: 10.1111/fare.12302 (SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index)
Bock, M. J., Pain, P., & Jhang, J. (2017). Covering Nipples: News Discourse and the Politics and Framing of Breastfeeding. Feminist Media Studies, 19(1), 53-69. DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2017.1313754 (SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index)
Journal articles (other types):
Jhang, J., & Wu, C. H. (2022). ‘Keywording Taiwan’: Report of the 26th North American Taiwan Studies Association (NATSA) Annual Conference, Online, 20–21 May 2021. International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 5(2), 403-414. (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index) (corresponding author)
Jhang, J. (2018a). [Review of Celebrity health narratives and the public health, by Christina S. Beck, Stellina M.A. Chapman, Nathaniel Simmons, Kelly E. Tenzek and Stephanie M. Ruhl]. Health Communication, 33(2), 225-228. DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2016.1250193 (SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index)
Manuscripts and book chapters in progress:
Jhang, J. (Book in preparation). Queering Taiwan Public Health. In Shih, S. M., & Chiang, H. (Eds.). Queering Taiwan Studies. Springer Sinophone and Taiwan Studies series.
Selected public-facing writings:
Jhang, J. (2024, February 2). Assisted Reproductive Act amendment: The testing ground for the new Taiwanese parliament’s power dynamics. Taiwan Insight. https://taiwaninsight.org/2024/02/02/assisted-reproductive-act-amendment-the-testing-ground-for-the-new-taiwanese-parliaments-power-dynamics/
Jhang, J. (2023, January 23). An unlimited future: How do we get there? Taiwan Insight. https://taiwaninsight.org/2023/01/17/an-unlimited-future-how-do-we-get-there/
Jhang, J. (2022, November 10). Health issues facing tongzhi/LGBTQ+ people in Taiwan. Taiwan Insight. https://taiwaninsight.org/2022/11/10/health-issues-facing-tongzhi-lgbtq-people-in-taiwan/
Jhang, J. (2022, June 6). Almost-marriage equality in Taiwan. Taiwan Insight.
張竹芩(2021 年 9 月 28 日)。娘娘訪張守一犯了「假公平謬誤」,放棄了事實也放棄了善良。關鍵評論網。https://www.thenewslens.com/article/156896
張竹芩(2019 年 10 月 26 日)。「心跳法案」這個詞,讓我們忽視了公投提案的目的是「控制女性」。關鍵評論網。https://www.thenewslens.com/article/156896
張竹芩(2020 年 5月 9 日)。綠黨跟統促黨,都可以到國立大學演講嗎?自由時報深思熟綠專欄。https://talk.ltn.com.tw/article/breakingnews/3160138
張竹芩(2020 年 2月 14 日)。情人節快樂,通姦罪再見。自由時報深思熟綠專欄。https://talk.ltn.com.tw/article/breakingnews/3068255
Current/Future Projects
Reproductive health and family policies
Feminism and queer studies in public health
The built environment, transportation, and health
Community health, mental health
Research Areas
Interpersonal Communication 人際傳播
Family communication 家庭傳播
Health communication 健康傳播
LGBTQ and gender studies 同志與性別研究
Conflict and communication 衝突與溝通
Language and social interaction 語言與社會互動
Grounded theory 紮根理論
Qualitative research methods 質性研究方法
Discourse studies 論述研究
Conversation analysis 對話分析
Medical humanities 醫學人文
Awards, Research Fundings, and Honors
2022-2023 | Project Assistant Professor Teaching Excellence Grant, Center for Teaching and Leaning Developments, National Taiwan University
2020 | Sandra Petronio Family Communication Dissertation Award, National Communication Association
2019 | Doctoral Honors Seminar (competitively selected), National Communication Association,
2019 | Program Director Scholarship, North America Taiwan Studies Association
2018 | Scholarship, Global Island: Taiwan and the World workshop, University of Washington, Taiwan Studies Program
2018 | Travel funding to The National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation Conference
2017 | National Communication Association Student Caucus Travel Award, National Communication Association
2017 | Student Travel Grant, 2017 International Communication Association Preconference— Digital Asia: Recent Research and Practice. San Diego, CA.
2016 | Health Communication Scholar Program Research Grant, Moody College of Communication, UT Austin
2016 | Outstanding Ph.D. Student of the Year, Department of Communication Studies, UT Austin
2015 | Top Student Paper Award in the Language and Social Interaction Division, National Communication Association
2015 | National Communication Association Student Caucus Travel Award (The LGBTQ Caucus), National Communication Association
2014-2015 | Graduate School Continuing Scholarship, UT Austin
2013-2014 | The Pic-Wagner Fellowship, UT Austin
2010-2012 | Full Scholarship Grantee, Alliance for Language Learning and Educational Exchange (ALLEX) Scholarship Program
2007 Top Exchange Students Grant, National Sun Yat-Sen University
Research Engagement
2021-Present | Researcher, Mental Health Association in Taiwan
2021-Present | Taiwan-UK Sex/Gender/Sexuality Minorities Health Research Network (TUSHRN) Taskforce
2018 -2021 | Regional Expert, Franklin & Marshall Global Barometer of Gay Rights/ Transgender Rights (F&M GBGR/GBTR), Franklin & Marshall College
2016-2019 | Researcher, The Health Communication Scholar Program, Department of Asian Studies, UT Austin
2015-2017 | Assistant Researcher, The News as Cultural Research Group, School of Journalism, UT Austin
2012-2013 | Research Assistant, Interdisciplinary Project on Computational Linguistics and Chinese Dialectics, Chang Gung University, Taipei, Taiwan
Academic Learning
2021-2022 | Selected invitee, 科技部人文社會科學研究中心:知識x社會x未來:跨領域年輕學者論壇
2021 | Selected invitee, 台大風險中心參與式前瞻工作坊
Invited Talks
Spring 2022 University of London SOAS Centre of Taiwan Studies
- Topic: “Building a model of family reconciliation from the ground-up: A Taiwan study” (English)
Spring 2022 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Graduate seminar in The High-Income Trap in East Asia (taught by Dr. Syaru Shirley Lin)
Topic: “The feminist approach to the ultra-low fertility problem” (English)
Spring 2022 The National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages, and Literature, Course: Taiwan’s Language and Society (taught by Dr. Tsio̍h Bo̍k-bîn)
- Topic: “Gender, family, and the Hakka culture” (Mandarin and Hakka)
Spring 2022 Reforming Speech Communication in Public Sphere: Examine the Contemporary Public Policy and Legal Communication:
- Topic: “Communicating public policy“ Forum (Mandarin)
Spring 2022 National Chengchi University, International College of Innovation, Course: Global Civil Movement (taught by Dr. Cheng Hung-Ying)
- Topic: “Gender Equality/ LGBTIQA+ Activism” (English)
Spring 2022 Taiwan Ireland Association
- Topic: “LGBTQ/tongzhi movement in Taiwan: Past, present, and future” (English)
Spring 2022 Department of Cultural Resources and Leisure Industries, National Taitung University, Taitung, Taiwan
- Topic: “Twenty years into the 'Act of Gender Equality in Employment" (Mandarin)
Fall 2021 Research Institute of The Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
- Topic: “State of the art of Taiwan Studies in North America: Observations from the North American Taiwan Studies Association“ (Mandarin) (I was one of the three speakers)
Fall 2021 Graduate Program of Ethnicity and Culture, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
- Topic: “Families in Post same-sex marriage Taiwan” (Mandarin)
Spring 2021 Communication Studies Department, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California
- Topic: “Internationalizing the study of family and interpersonal communication”(English)
Spring 2021 Department of Cultural Resources and Leisure Industries, National Taitung University, Taitung, Taiwan
- Topic: “Empowering diversity in the workplace” (Mandarin)
Fall 2020 Association for Taiwan Literature, Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
- Topic: “Current Trends in Taiwan Studies-North America Perspective” (Mandarin)
Fall 2020 Department of Mass Communication, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan
- Topic: “Identity issues in same-sex marriage movement in Taiwan” (Mandarin)
Spring 2020 Department of Cultural Resources and Leisure Industries, Taitung, Taiwan
- Topic: “Gender issues in the workplace” (Mandarin)
Fall 2019 College of Communication, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
- Topic: “Field observation and in-depth interviews: What are these?” (Mandarin)
Fall 2019 Graduate Society of Applied Linguists, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
Topic: “She did not come out but we’ve come to terms”— family reconciliation of challenged expectations when a young adult child is a gender and sexual minority/ tongzhi” (Mandarin)
Fall 2019 National Taiwan University Department of Sociology
Topic: “International Conference submission workshop: NATSA call for paper information session” (Mandarin)
Fall 2019 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
Topic: “Went to America to get a PhD, and then what?” (Mandarin)
Spring 2017 Department of Psychology and Counseling, Ming Chuan University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- Topic: The daily lives for the sexual and gender minorities: Family relationship, and work” (Mandarin)
Fall 2016 Department of Psychology and Counseling, Ming Chuan University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
- Topic: “A counselor’s guide to understanding the basics the sexual and gender minorities” (Mandarin)
Fall 2016 Department of Mass Communication, Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan
- Topic: “The endless possibilities that blossom when LGBTQ+ intersects with communication studies” (Mandarin)
Fall 2016 Institute of Communication Studies, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- Topic: “Media communication: LGBTQ+ and gender” (Mandarin)
Fall 2016 Department of Speech Communication, Shih Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan
- Topic: “What has been communicated in speech communication?” (Mandarin)
Fall 2016 Department of Mass Communication, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan
- Topic: ”Sex and gender in communication studies: Binary and fluidity” (Mandarin)
Spring 2015 Workshop: Cigarette smoking among sexual minority populations, Department of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia (talk given online) (English)
- Topic: “LGBTQ+ substance use and abuse in Taiwan”