CET Academic Programs 台灣中心主任
Dr. JhuCin Rita Jhang
CET Academic Programs, Taiwan Program Director
Board member of the North American Taiwan Studies Association
Adjunct Assistant Professor at Global Health Program, School of Public Health, National Taiwan University
Former Project Assistant Professor at Global Health Program, School of Public Health, National Taiwan University
Former Secretary-General, Green Party Taiwan
Ph.D. in Communication Studies, The University of Texas at Austin
M.A. in Applied Linguistics, Texas Tech University
Summer Programs in East Asian Concentration, Ohio State University
B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literature, National Sun Yat-Sen University
Exchange Student, Comparative Literature, University of Washington
取得博士學位後加入了綠黨,希望近身參與社會改革,參選 2020 立法委員(所以現在是一個立委落選人),選後擔任綠黨秘書長,經驗到了過去沒有機會看見的社會向度,大大地磨練了心智,也啟發了許多新的學術、倡議、自省的想像。
在 2021 年秋天加入了台大公衛學院全球衛生學程,擔任專案助理教授,希望可以關注公共衛生與健康裡面的「語言/文字/符號、人/關係/傳播/性別,以及社會/文化/政治等因素」,並且協助學生的社會參與和倡議。
我開始擔任 CET Academic Programs 的台灣中心主任了。心智還像個屁孩,突然就變成了主任,正在帶著尚可控制的冒牌者症候群探索新職涯,希望成為優良的學術進口商,讓更多美國學生來到台灣,認識台灣,看見我們是如何愛我們的國家,也希望我們的國家好好地愛這些學生,讓他們在這裡生根。
Growing up in Guanyin, Taoyuan, and Gongguan, Miaoli, I'm a country girl learning the big city life in Taipei. There's some Texas in me and also some Kaohsiung.
Language has always fascinated me. In my college years, I explored the world through literature, then I learned the art of teaching languages (mainly English and, for a short while, Mandarin), and later I started studying the dynamics of language/text/symbols in human relationships in my Ph.D.
I have been lucky to volunteer at Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association for over a decade. This is the space for me to practice living in peace with the world and myself. My dissertation is only possible because of Hotline.
Hoping to be at the frontline of social change, I joined Green Party Taiwan right after finishing my Ph.D., ran for the legislative seats (unsuccessfully), and stayed to serve as the secretary-general until May 2021. This journey has been fruitful, oftentimes in very unexpected ways. I'm thankful for it.
I joined the Global Health Program of the College of Public Health at National Taiwan University as a project Assistant Professor in August 2021. I want to research the human and language side of things of public health, as well as advocacy and social movements.
No matter what the future holds, I'm excited.
Update on February 1, 2024.
I'm starting my job at CET Academic Programs as the CET Taiwan Program Director. It is a big jump for me, mostly because I still feel like a kid. I will strive to be a good program director and take care of the students who come to Taiwan, show them how we love our country, and hopefully, Taiwan will love them well and create room for them to stay.
All good things to come.
The 2024 updated version